Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well, we did it. Kassi and Dexten are now in New Jersey, safe and sound. It was so funny to see her at the airport with him all strapped to her, thanks Sarah for the little carrier, it saved her butt. Made things so easy! Anyway, it was really hard to say goodbye and really hard to let them go, but I am so happy that little family is finally together! Now we are out of school on summer break and I'm thinking I have some major digging out to do. I cannot believe how much junk accumulates when you are busy playing with a grandbaby! Anyway, life goes on and we all adjust to change. Change is good and we all learn and grow from it, at least that is what I keep telling myself.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Grandma Business

Ok, so I have been in the grandma business for just about a week and a half. What a blast! It is crazy how excited I get to see him. I hurry home from work because I know he is there. I find myself just staring at him and watching every little move he makes. Just the fact that this little human being has just come straight from heaven is amazing. It is pure Joy! I also have to make special note and pay tribute to my sweet son-in-law. This young man has been so great through it all. So caring and compassionate towards Kassi and so happy to be a daddy! Thank you Colby. We are so blessed to have you in our family. What a wonderful Mother's Day this has been! Life doesn't get any better than this.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dexten Colborn Leavitt's Birthday!!

At 1:27 p.m., Dexten was born at Southern Hills Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada. He weighed 6 pounds, 11 oz and is 20 inches long. He had quite a tough little voyage getting here, but arrived safe, sound and absolutely beautiful! We are so blessed to have him here and I am so happy for Colby and Kassi!! It was so thrilling to watch him come into this world! On Saturday, May 2, Oliver (kidney) Stone was delivered at approximatly 12:40 p.m. and we are happy to say, will no longer be with us! Daddy, Mommy and Baby are doing terrific!

Four Days Before Delivery

This picture was taken on Sunday, April 26, 2009. We are so anxious for little Dexten to come into this world!