Sunday, April 26, 2009


Just a little update. Looks like May 1st will be the arrival date of our little baby boy! Kassi will go in on Wednesday for an amnio test, just to make sure lungs are ready and then they will induce her on Thursday night. So unless she can just be one of those that pops the baby out immediately, He will be here sometime on Friday. Can hardly wait! Not only for little guy to get here, but also for Kassi to feel well again!

1 comment:

Kassi said...

while you are in the other room sleeping and I am still awake at 135 I just thought I would drop you a note and tell ya I LOVE YOU! Thank you for everthing you have done for Colby and I and the baby the last month. We really don't know what we would have done without you and dad! LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!